The Rhythm of Rest Let’s rest here. Rest is part of the rhythm of life. Rest isn’t the end, something we do when everything else is done. Everything else will never be done. In music ‘rests’ define the spaces between the notes. Music itself has been defined as the space between the notes. That’s to say that the beauty of music comes in part from the rhythm of the quiet spaces – the rests – the parts where notes are not played. In the good life rest is part of every day. Think of the 24 hours in a day divided into three parts. 8 hours for work, 8 hours for relations with others and the world, 8 hours for rest. These are not options. Without this balance, without this rhythm, the good life isn’t possible. Everything suffers. Why is rest important? Creativity, Character, and Conserved strength are built in rest.
Hey ! Where's our $110.3 m to build the new hospital in Nova Scotia? !!!
In the April Nova Scotia Budget the government said... well, something like the opening of the convention centre was so awesome it would give us $110.3m to put toward a new hospital and a BIG budget surplus of $127.4.
*PSAB = Public Sector Accounting Board is a public service organization. Invoking their name here and implying they're the boss and endorse this budget is incorrect
BUT... wait, there's more. In this month's fiscal update the $110.3m is gone... Where did it go? Heck, where did it come from in the first place? Who's got it? When will we get it? And most important... what is it? I started to write it out. But I was even boring myself. So, I've made a video to try to explain... “Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.” We've had a a big week in Education. The homework is piling up.
OK then ! Let's recap this bad boy. In Nova Scotia teachers are represented by a union led by president Liette Doucet. After their latest contract ran out they went in to negotiations with the Nova Scotia government led by premier Stephen McNeil and education minister Karen Casey. You see the government came in on a mandate of good communication, fair dealing and working with unions. But somehow, after a short time in office, morphed into a kind of 'austerity' regime that has not been... pleasant to deal with. Now there's lots to catch up on! |
John Wesley
Writing about life, citizenship, and Nova Scotia. Archives
June 2020